The Enhancement of Production and Sales Capacity of Community Enterprises in Thailand


  • Wandee Sutthinarakorn Department of Vocational Education, Faculty of Education, Kasetsart University


This article presented the role of community enterprises in the progression of their respective community economies. Upon examination of alternative markets for Thai community enterprises, and with the state of problems they encountered being situated in central parts of Thailand, it has been revealed that the community enterprises were proven as economical and social organizations that were driven by their own populations. The community enterprises union has become more effective in terms of finance, investment, production, marketing, administration, leadership, labor, generalization of rules and regulations, and inter-relationships with external communities. However, from operational results considered from the case study of community enterprises in the central parts of Thailand, there was only 43.79 percent of the total number of 256 community enterprises in 22 provinces proven efficient. These community enterprises had their production order only 21.29 percent caused by the competitiveness of the mainstream economy. With stronger management, including better marketing mechanisms, alternative marketing is as olid choice for community products because they offer ‘fair trade’ idealism and best practices. In contrast, the mainstream marketing focuses on ‘free trade’ and more on ‘profits’ rather than the fair relationship between producers and consumers.


