Building a Bridge: Preparing Student Teachers’ Instructional Competence through School Integrated Learning (SIL)

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Rewanee Chaichaowarat


Promoting and supporting student teachers to have the opportunity to learn and have experiences in real schools and classrooms as work-integrated learning (WIL) can help them develop compliance competencies. This article focuses on identifying student teachers’ instructional competency and a developing School Integrated Learning (SIL) process to enhance their competency by conducting a study with 191 second year undergraduate student teachers enrolled at the Faculty of Education at a university located in northeast Thailand, 8 teacher educators, and 11 school mentors who work in Professional Development Schools (PDSs). The result revealed that student teachers’ instructional competencies consisted of 13 indicators in three domains: student-oriented instructional design, implement and practice of diverse teaching strategies and assessment of student learning and self-learning. All competencies can develop through SIL process; PROACTIVE is an acronym for preparation, recap the lessons learnt, observe the classroom, apply knowledge, create a lesson plan, teaching in the classroom, identify student learning, visit other classrooms and evaluate self competency. A strong relationship between educators, school mentors and student teachers as PLC members through SIL is the key of the process proposed and their sharing-reflection can help student teachers improve their instructional competency.

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How to Cite
Chaichaowarat, R. . (2022). Building a Bridge: Preparing Student Teachers’ Instructional Competence through School Integrated Learning (SIL). Journal of Information and Learning [JIL], 33(2), 11–18.


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