Behavior and Problems of Internet Accessing in Educational Institution in Internet of Things (IOT)

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Atthapol Imwilaiwan


     Research Behavior and problems of internet use in schools in the Internet of Things (IOT) era have research objectives for 1) to study the behavior and problems of internet use in schools in the Internet of Things (IOT) era as a whole and individually 3 aspects: education, communication and entertainment  2) To analyze the behavior and problems of internet use of students in schools in the Internet of Things (IOT) era, in total, and on each side, classified by gender, grade, year and learning achievement 3) to suggest the use of the internet. In educational institutions in the Internet of Things era (IOT). Conducted research by Collect data from questionnaires from the sample group Undergraduate students from year 1-4 and higher in the second semester of the academic year 2017 of Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University (Central), Wang Noi, Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya, number 343 person. Overall and individual at a high level and the problem of using the internet as a whole is at the same level. Suggestions Especially in the field of wireless computer network devices that are not able to provide full support and care cover the service thoroughly.

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How to Cite
Imwilaiwan, A. “Behavior and Problems of Internet Accessing in Educational Institution in Internet of Things (IOT)”. Mahachula Academic Journal, vol. 7, no. 3, Nov. 2020, pp. 186-97,
Research Articles


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