The Model of Education Management for Development Social Skills of the Student in The North Rural by participatory of the Local Wisdoms and Schools.

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Prapin Khodkaew
Yiamluck Udakarn


     The objectives of this research article are to study the circumstances, problems and demands of the community for create and develop an educational admini-stration andmanagement for developing social skills of the Student in the north rural by participatory of the local wisdoms and schools.This research is a participatory action research by using documentary studies, participatory observation, non-participatory
observation, doing a focus group, interviewing the interested person such as admini-strators, project manager, teacher and student to gather information. The results showed that the operation of schools from different sites were in “Excellent” level and satisfaction results of the “Little guide Activity”activities were in “Good”level in all category which can make the conclusion that this research can develop the social skills of Teenage and help the operation of the educational administration and management in the north rural.

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How to Cite
Khodkaew, P., and Y. . Udakarn. “The Model of Education Management for Development Social Skills of the Student in The North Rural by Participatory of the Local Wisdoms and Schools”. Mahachula Academic Journal, vol. 7, no. 2, Aug. 2020, pp. 149-64,
Research Articles


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