A Model of waste of Management for Schools under the Office of Basic Education Commission
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This research is aimed at: 1) To analyze the Waste of Management for Schools under the Office of Basic Education Commission, 2) To create the Waste of Management for Schools under the Office of Basic Education Commission, and 3) To evaluate a model ofWaste of Management for Schools under the Office of Basic Education Commission. The method of the study was divided into 3 steps. Step 1 was to analyze the factors of the Waste of Management for Schools under the Office of Basic Education Commission by using related documents, an interview16 experts, and questionnaire results from 496 participants. Step 2 To creating the Waste of Management for Schools under the Office of Basic Education Commission by holding a connoisseurshipof 11 experts. Step 3 Toevaluate a model of Waste Management for Schools underthe Office of Basic Education Commission by collecting the data from 10revealed that there were 8components, namely: 1. Administrator’s leadership 2. Learning organization 3. Organization 4. System of management5. Learning practice 6 Cooperation of network 7. Strategic plan of development and 8. Quality of action plan. A model of waste Management for Schools under the Office of Basic Education Commission comprised 3 parts part 1: introduction.Part 2 contents, consisting of components model and administration process. Part 3: conditions forsuccess. Evaluation of the developed model of waste of Management for Schools under the Office of Basic Education Commissionfound that the aspects of 1) Correctness, 2) suitability, 3) feasibility and 4) utility were the high level.
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