Factors Associated with Successful Smoking Cessation Behaviors of Patients Visiting Smoking Cessation Clinic

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Phuangprapha Phetme
Wichanan Tanakanjanapong
Rusnanee Duangjan
Saifuddeen Salah
Teerohah Donroman
Rassamee Sangthong
Muhammadfahmee Taleh


     The success rate of smoking cessation at a smoking cessation clinic is only 20%, it is necessary to identify more factors to encourage patients to quit smoking. This study aimed to find associated factors of successful smoking cessation among patients visiting a cessation clinic. A total of 226 smokers were interviewed on 7 main factors including physical health, behavioral risks, environmental risks, psychological factors, cognitive factors, obstacles to access to smoking cessation services and social context factors. Descriptive statistics and logistic regression were used for data analysis.

     The results of the study showed that factors promoting successful smoking cessation included being an Islam, concern about quitting, anxiety, stress, fewer socializing with friends who smoked. Factors that hindered successful smoking cessation include smoking more than 10 cigarettes a day, especially when smoking more than 20 igarettes reduced the chance of successful quitting to only 10 percent. Therefore, smoking cessation clinics can be increased by promoting religious faith, reducing anxiety, stress, number of cigarettes smoked per day and frequency of smoking with
friends for socializing.

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How to Cite
Phetme, P., W. . Tanakanjanapong, R. Duangjan, S. Salah, T. Donroman, R. Sangthong, and M. Taleh. “Factors Associated With Successful Smoking Cessation Behaviors of Patients Visiting Smoking Cessation Clinic”. Mahachula Academic Journal, vol. 7, no. 3, Nov. 2020, pp. 294-08, https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMA/article/view/242797.
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