Confirmatory Factor Analysis: Experience Marketing and Brand Advocacy of the Cosmetics Industry in Thailand

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Thirawan Sakulwongsirichok
Natsapan Paopan


     The study aims to confirmatory factor analysis of the experience marketing and brand advocacy of the cosmetics industry in Thailand by conducting a review of relevant literature to design the conceptual framework. The researcher created a research tool and developed by analyzing the accuracy by IOC and pre-test. The results of the development of the tool are in accordance with the research methodology had a Cronbach's alpha value greater than 0.8. The researchers collected data from 440 samples as a cosmetic business entrepreneur. The result indicates that the experience marketing and brand advocacy of the cosmetics industry in Thailand. It consists of input factors that are exogenous variables such as digital marketing, gamification marketing, inbound marketing, brand authenticity and with endogenous variables, namely experience marketing and brand advocacy. The confirmatory factor analysis indicates that all factors were consistent with the empirical data. Elements of each variable are able to measure and evaluate variables appropriately.

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How to Cite
Sakulwongsirichok, T., and N. Paopan. “Confirmatory Factor Analysis: Experience Marketing and Brand Advocacy of the Cosmetics Industry in Thailand”. Mahachula Academic Journal, vol. 7, no. 3, Nov. 2020, pp. 126-41,
Research Articles


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