An Analytical Study of the Revival of Buddhism by Anãgãrika Dhammapãla

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Patcharawee Thongprayoon


     This thesis entitled “An Analytical Study of the Revival of Buddhism by Anãgãrika Dhammapãla”has three objectives: 1) to study the history of Anãgãrika Dhammapãla,         2) to study Anãgãrika Dhammapãla’s role in the revival of Buddhism, and 3) to analyze Anãgãrika Dhammapãla’s revival of Buddhism. This is a qualitative research done by studying academic documentaries.

     In the research, it was found that Anãgãrika Dhammapãla was born on 17 September, 1864 in the wealthy family of Buddhism in the city of Colombo, Pettah sub-district, and died on 29 April, 1933; his total age was of 69 years. Before he was named ‘Anãgãrika Dhammapãla’, he was named ‘Don David Heva Vitãrane’.In early childhood, he was determined that if he were to die, he would die in the form of renouncer and thereby becoming a novice in the temple of Mũlagandhakutĩvihãra in the end of the year 1932 whereby his Buddhist monk’s name was given as ‘Bhikkhu Siri Devamitta Dhammapãla’. It is said that Anãgãrika Dhammapãla was an exceptional person who pioneered the revival of Buddhism in India after long recession. In this matter, he also established the Association of Mahabodhi in order to taking back Bodh Gaya wherein the Buddhist site located to the Buddhist control and he was regarded as the first Buddhist man in that period who propagated Buddhism to various continents, Asia, America and Europe. It is strongly believed that his chief motivation in the revival of Buddhism was inspired by seeing the ruined Buddhist sites in Buddhagaya where occupied by the Hindumonastery’s abbot or Mahant position for over centuries.Therefore, he made resolution in front of the Bodhi Tree where the Buddha got Enlightenment to re-establish Buddhism in the prosperous way in order to centralize the propagation of Buddhism. Finally, the revival of Buddhism was obviously made where many people come to follow Buddhism again. In the analysis, it was clearly found that Dr. B. R. Ambedkar who used to follow Hinduism converted more than three hundreds thousands of untouchables to Buddhism through taking refuge in the Triple Gems. By virtue of this, it appeared that many Indians from various castes converted to Buddhism later on and thereby bringing prosperity to Buddhism again in India.

     Furthermore, many Buddhist pilgrimages once came to pay respect to one of the four places of Buddhist sites proved such a claim due to its being sacred place of Buddhism. Suffice it to say that Bodh Gaya deserves to be the Buddhist place of appreciation to the whole world resulting in the world licensing as the world heritage of the cultural heritage given by UNESCO.

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How to Cite
Thongprayoon, P. “An Analytical Study of the Revival of Buddhism by Anãgãrika Dhammapãla”. Mahachula Academic Journal, vol. 7, no. 3, Nov. 2020, pp. 57-71,
Research Articles


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