Analysis on Persuasive Discourse: In Case of the Alcohol Abstinence during Buddhist Lent Period Campaign of the Local State Agencies in Muang Nan District of Nan Province

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Bantika Jaruma


     This qualitative research aims (1) to study the persuasive discourses, the State Agencies in Nan District of Nan Province used for persuading people to abstain alcohol during Buddhist Lent Period; (2) to analyze its contents, language, and social context; and (3) to propose the guidelines of using the discourses to persuade people to do that.The research revealed that the discourses were communicated with carrying the 4 conceptual ideas as follows: (1) health, (2) community development (3) culture, and (4) law. The contents were identified into 3 issues: (1) prevention (2) inspiration building, and (3) impacts. The language was used in 5 rhetoric styles: (1) narrative (2) descriptive (3) exemplificative (4) argumentative, and (5) metaphoric. The social contexts, accompanied with the discourses, were sorted as 6 topics: (1) community culture (2) state of economy (3) education (4) people integration (5) public health and (6) transportation. The recommendations for discourse improvement were that (1) should usemore various channels of communication (2) should use the rhetoric styles suitable with the receivers’ manners and add the figure of speech (3) should design
the issues covering the negative impacts to the individual, social, and national levels and (4) should add the discourse context about the economic impacts.

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How to Cite
Jaruma, B. “Analysis on Persuasive Discourse: In Case of the Alcohol Abstinence During Buddhist Lent Period Campaign of the Local State Agencies in Muang Nan District of Nan Province”. Mahachula Academic Journal, vol. 7, no. 3, Nov. 2020, pp. 265-79,
Research Articles


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