A Study of Needs for Teaching Arts to Children in Ban Makue 3 Community at Nakhon Pathom Province
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The research objective was to study the need for teaching arts to children in Ban Mai 3 community, Nakhon Pathom; the target group was 30 students of the Ban Mai 3 community, Nakhon Pathom Province boys than girls. There were 60 percent boys, 40 percent girls, and 36 percent divided into 10-year-olds, 45 percent for 11-year-olds, and 19 percent for 12-year-olds. Research Instrument was a questionnaire for the needs for teaching arts to children, divided into three parts as follows: (1) Basic information consisting of gender, age (2) Needs for teaching arts in Ban Makai 3 community, Nakhon Pathom Province (3) Emotional test.
The research found that the primary information study of children in the community had more boys than girls, divided into 60 percent boys, 40 percent girls and divided into ten-year-olds, 36 percent children aged 11 years, and 45 percent children. At twelve years old, 19 percent of children need to learn art, 66 percent want to learn drawing using wood paint, 89 percent use watercolors, 5 percent use crayons, 1 percent, and making artifacts, 5 percent of the children wanted to learn the art with external speakers, 74 percent did not want to learn with external speakers, accounting for 26 percent. Accounted for 78 percent of the children did not want to have activities to enhance their art knowledge, accounting for 22 percent of the children needed to spend their free time practicing art skills, accounting for 83 percent. Children who do not want to spend their free time in Art skills training accounted for 17% of children wanting to learn art in the atmosphere outside the classroom, accounting for 81%. Children who did not want to learn art in the atmosphere outside the classroom accounted for 19%. Children liked a straight line horizontally, 48 percent liked a curve, 22 percent, 12% of the children liked the jagged line, 12% of the children liked the vertical straight line, 11% the child liked the straight line at an oblique line, 7% the results of the color testing showed that Children like the color green accounted for 41 percent. Children who liked the color orange accounted for 22 percent. Children who liked the color purple accounted for 13 percent. Children liked blues, accounting for 9 percent, 7 percent.
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