Saving electricity in schools with the innovative E Plus system

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Yutthapong Sriwichai
Vipaporn Poovatanakul


This research article has the objectives to study electricity-saving analysis in schools with the innovative E Plus system. The sample group selected a specific type. Be administrators of 5 primary schools, totaling five schools. Research instrument Questionnaire on the study of building management model the use of electric energy-saving innovations among primary school personnel estimated five statistics used in the research: percentage, mean, standard deviation. The research results found that Electricity saving system E Plus is a cool air conditioner with energy-saving, controlled by inverter control. Using natural healing nature to reduce energy consumption helps ventilate Filters the air and freshen energy usage. Air conditioning with cool air saves energy. The research showed that the innovative E Plus system is a technology that combines the functions of a cool air generator. Water cooler Air conditioners, evaporative fans, electric energy-saving systems Energy saving, controlled by inverter control Using the principles of natural healing nature to reduce energy consumption Help ventilate. Air filters reduce energy consumption with energy-saving cold air. Ice machines and sterilizers in RCI technology use the UV light that hits the corner as Hydrogen peroxide and ozone to kill germs. It has reduced electricity efficiency, resulting in a significant savings of 60-70 percent of electricity consumption.

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How to Cite
Sriwichai, Y., and V. Poovatanakul. “Saving Electricity in Schools With the Innovative E Plus System”. Mahachula Academic Journal, vol. 8, no. 3, Dec. 2021, pp. 39-59,
Research Articles


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