Buddhism and the food as necessary Factors for the Livelihood to develop the mind
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This academic article title on The Buddhism and the food as necessary factors for the livelihood to develop the mind aims to study food problems as important factors for life, the livelihood of farmers for food production, the way for planning, prevention, correction, and mental development according to Buddhist principles.
By studying and analyzing food problems in the way of life in Thai society for analysis, management, improvement, and development toward the objectives without conflicting the lifestyle of both people and animals. Buddhism has always viewed food and the coexistence of all living beings in a positive way from the time of the Buddha until the present. Especially the current situation is the spread of a new breed of coronavirus 2019 (COVID 19) causing a food crisis. Buddhism has an important concept and role as a medium for the society to know how to solve problems that arise. By the monks who are modest in meditating no more no less with consideration know the value of food. It also helps encourage society to rely on each other and to develop the mind.
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