The Followship of Officer - Senior Level Worker : Case Study of a Private Company

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Pramsak Maknuam
Sarun Thitiluck


     This research aims to (1) study the pattern of the Followship of Officer - Senior Level Worker. (2) To study the causative factors of the differences between officer level worker and senior level worker. This research used qualitative research by studying the company's basic information, journal, concepts, theories, research report, and other concerned case studies. Collecting data from depth Interview of 22 main informants whom were officers from operation unit and support unit in the private company. Analyze data by interpreting the followship theory of Kelley. The study found (1) the private company has a pattern of expression according to the Followship theory of Kelley in 3 patterns 1) Effective Style Followship 2) Pragmatic Survivor Style Followship 3) Conformist Style Followship (2) Causative factors of the differences of officer level worker caused by (1) working environment characteristics of the organization and organization behavior as a private company, for example, need to reach KPI (Key Performance Indicator) both personal and company, etc. (2) the target differences behavior of individuals between the goals of working for benefit of the organization or for benefit of themselves.

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How to Cite
Maknuam, P., and S. Thitiluck. “The Followship of Officer - Senior Level Worker : Case Study of a Private Company”. Mahachula Academic Journal, vol. 8, no. 3, Dec. 2021, pp. 218-29,
Research Articles


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