School Administrators Kalayanamitra Leadership for Development of Teachers Instruction

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Hmam Thongchai
Supaporn Tungdamnernsawad
Siroj Polpuntin
Sukhum Chaleysub


     School administrators leadership influences teachers instructional efficiency, which also results in pupils’ learning. So, administrators should use their leadership to inspire the teachers under their supervision, to develop the instructional efficiency for pupils’ efficient learning. The leadership which administrators should use for teachers’ development is Kalayanamitra leadership, or the friendly leadership as Lord Buddha’s one. This kind of leadership has some significant features, as follows. First, Lord Buddha had a clear objective of his leadership. He would like to lead human beings to get out of suffering, by performing his duty as a good friend, directing human beings to the destination, namely being freed from suffering, by themselves, with faiths. The faiths mentioned here were the one Lord Buddha had in human beings and the one human beings had in him. As a good friend, Lord Buddha helped humand beings to learn and train themselves to get out of suffering with the two virtues he possessed, Sappurisa-dhamma and Kalyanamitra-dhamma. If school administrators would like to apply Lord Buddha’s Kalyanamitra leadership with teachers’ instructional development, they must first follow Lord Buddha’s performance, by developing their qualification of being good friends. Namely, the administrators should develop themselves as the leaders of instruction with knowledge and expertise as a result of their real practice. Then, they can provide teachers with advice and help and can really perform as the good models for the teachers’ instructional development. Beside the administrators can show the teachers the way to improve the instruction, which they have successfully implemented, as good guideline. In addition, the administrators should also make use of both kinds of faiths, the one they have in teachers and the one teachers have in them. The administrators should also perform their duties as good friends to teacher, by helping the teachers to learn and improve their instruction on their own until they get successful, as guided by the administrators, with the two virtues the administrators have, Sappurisa-dhamma and Kalyanamitra-dhamma.

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How to Cite
Thongchai, H., S. Tungdamnernsawad, S. Polpuntin, and S. Chaleysub. “School Administrators Kalayanamitra Leadership for Development of Teachers Instruction”. Mahachula Academic Journal, vol. 8, no. 3, Dec. 2021, pp. 10-25,
Academic Articles


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