Buddhist Teaching integration to ICF Coach’s Core Competencies
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This research has three objectives: (1) to study the ideas, theories and research papers on Coaching and ICF Core Competencies (2) to study the Buddhist teachings which involve to ICF Core Competencies and (3) to integrate and create Buddhist Coaching’s Core Competencies. This is a qualitative research done by studying documentaries and related research works including the interview and focus group of the professional coaches and Buddhist scholars. Its findings were done through the descriptive method.
In the research, it was found that Coaching is interdisciplinary which was used in business sector in various meanings and became unclear in its roles until International Coaching Federation (ICF) was established and set up coaching definition, role, core values, code of ethics and core competencies then the direction or framework became clear to its members.
The Buddhist teachings which are similar or according to ICF Core Competencies are Kalayanamitta-dhamma 7 (7 qualities of a good friend), Saddhamma 3 (true doctrine), Paratoghosa (hearing or learning from others) and Yonisomanasikara (analytical reflection). The supportive Buddhist teachings which can be integrated are Sati- Sampajanna (Mindfulness–Consciousness), Brahmavihara 4 (Sublime states of mind), Hiri-Ottappa (Moral Shame-Moral dread), Iddhipada 4 (Path of accomplishment), Panna 3 (Wisdom), Bhavana 4 (Cultivation), Gharavasa-Dhamma 4 (Virtues for lay people) and Saraniyadhamma 6 (Virtues for fraternal living). Coaches must be friendly, sincere and ready to learn. Then bring it into practice by maintaining mindfulness and awareness in every gesture as possible, with passionate, determination, and diligence in order to develop oneself to become a professional from within until being a Coach.
Integration of Buddhist teachings and ICF coach’s core competencies results in 3 level of Coaches. (1) Beginner level is 100 coaching hours, 15 days meditation and CKA exam. (2) Intermediate level is 500 coaching hours, 30 days meditation and personality test. And (3) Advance level is 2,500 coaching hours, 45 days meditation, personality test and Buddhist teaching’s understanding exam. The essential qualities of a coach can come from learning and practice. Being mindful both during the coaching process and being mindful in daily life will encourage wisdom and morality that truly grows from the inside out. The essential qualities of a coach can come from learning and practice. Being mindful both during the coaching process and being mindful in daily life will encourage wisdom and morality that truly grows from the inside out.
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