Reasons of Beliefs in Thai Society: Trace from Sukhothai Inscriptions

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Ponprom Tippayamontre


     The article“Reasons of Beliefs in Thai Society: Trace from Sukhothai Inscriptions” portrays the system of belief in Thai society from the past to present through a group of Sukhothai inscriptions. As the assumption that humans always have their own reasons to choose any belief for their life even those reasons seem ridiculous. In fact, all beliefs support psychological mechanisms of mankind in some ways. Thus, this article pointed to the initial religion of primitive era called “Animism” that was later named as “Primitive Religion” that has the central belief at spirit and gods of nature. Furthermore, Animism has become the universal religion that found in every part of the world and also be the basis of all religions today. According to the study, the majority beliefs found in Sukhothai inscriptions are religious beliefs from Primitive Religion, Brahmanism and Buddhism. This indication shows the hybridization of all religions that become the specific form of belief as Identity of Thai people. Consequently, the reasons of those beliefs are: Thai people take those beliefs as a hope for the better life and as a safe place to escape from their unpleasant life. Most of all, ridiculous beliefs are some kinds of habituation to them.

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How to Cite
Tippayamontre, P. “Reasons of Beliefs in Thai Society: Trace from Sukhothai Inscriptions”. Mahachula Academic Journal, vol. 9, no. 2, Aug. 2022, pp. 141-53,
Academic Articles


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