Faith and Wisdom: Pilgrims to Four Holy Buddhist Places in India and Nepal

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Pakphathai Pakasagulwong
Anond Metheevarachatra


     This academic article “Faith and Wisdom:  Pilgrims to Four Holy Buddhist Places in India and Nepal” aims at (1) To study the level of Faith and Wisdom of Pilgrims to Four Holy Buddhist Places in India and Nepal. (2) To study Faith and Wisdom in the Buddhism (3) To study the right way of Pilgrims to Four Holy Buddhist Places in India and Nepal. Thai Buddhists’ pilgrimage in 4 holy places are traveling with faithfulness and motivation in The Lord Buddha in order to pay respect to the birth place, the enlightenment, the first sermon and the pass away (Nirvana) site of Buddha which are the crucial places in Tripitaka according to Buddha’s speech for the results of three recognitions compose of Buddha’s Recognition, Dhamma’s recognition and Sangha’s Recognition.

     Faith and Wisdom plays an important role in Buddhist teaching, and it makes Buddhism outstanding from other religions.  Moreover, faith leads to wisdom which is more inevitable and well grounded. Right faith is developed from correct knowledge & understanding.  Then, one has correct  belief leading to more of wisdom . Likewise, faith relies on two main factors namely (i) knowledge and (ii) belief.  When we perceive any knowledge either right or wrong and we believe in someone or something based on such knowledge, it can be either a belief or misbelief.  When faith is negative, we call it “credulity.”

     Therefore, Right faith and Wisdom of Pilgrims is important to the virtue results of pilgrimage in 4 holy places. Firstly, for human value as to develop of mindfulness in life. Secondly, for social value as to develop of an enhancing quality of Thai Buddhists and expanding the Dhamma for the last long Buddhism. Lastly, for individual value as a beneficially values in enhancing quality of life and fulfill the good pilgrim through the path of The Lord Buddha’s pure Dhamma which will lead to peace and Nirvana.

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How to Cite
Pakasagulwong, P., and A. Metheevarachatra. “Faith and Wisdom: Pilgrims to Four Holy Buddhist Places in India and Nepal”. Mahachula Academic Journal, vol. 9, no. 2, Aug. 2022, pp. 1-16,
Academic Articles


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