Taxonomy of educational learning resources in Bangkok Metropolitan Administration

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Parichat Sawattuek
Mattana Wangthanomsak


          The objectives of this research were (1) to know the educational learning resources of Bangkok (2) to know the taxonomy of educational learning resources of Bangkok (3) to know the application of Bangkok's educational learning resources to use in academic administration in educational institutions. The research instrument were (1) Record form (2) Checklist form and (3) An open-ended questionnaire. The statistics used to analyze the data are frequency , percentage and content analysis.

          The research findings revealed that: (1) There are 566 educational learning resources in Bangkok. When considering each district office, it was found that the district office with the most educational learning resources was Phra Nakhon District Office, 51 sources, followed by 37 Thonburi District Offices, and the least is Lat Phrao District Office Khan Na Yao District Office and Thawi Watthana District Office, 2 sources. (  2) Educational learning resources of Bangkok can be classified according to the type of learning resources into 3 types: 1) There are 487 learning sources of building, places and man made structures consist of religious sites, museums, libraries, art galleries, historical sites, monuments, youth centers/stadiums, markets, bridges and other structures. 2) There are 38 learning resources in nature and environment consist of parks and gardens/farms/fields/nature and 3) There are 41 learning resources for individuals and communities. (3) The director of the educational institute is of the opinion that the process of utilizing Bangkok’s educational learning resources for academic administration in educational institutions is as follows : 1) The planning is carried out by ; raising awareness and mutual understanding; appointing the academic management committee; determine policies for development and use of educational learning resources; preparation of educational institutions; to create understanding among personnel and communities. 2) Implementation are carried out by appointing a committee responsible for learning resources; designating educational learning resources and providing information about learning resources; apply learning resources; teacher development; there is always coordination. 3) Audit, review, supervision, and follow-up are carried out by continuous supervision, monitoring and evaluation of the use of learning resources; resolving obstacles during the implementation process; determining methods and tools for evaluating performance; analyze the results of the assessment and summarize the results of the assessment. and 4) The summary and reporting are carried out by summarizing and reporting on the use of educational resources; revising, improving or developing work.

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How to Cite
Sawattuek, P., and M. Wangthanomsak. “Taxonomy of Educational Learning Resources in Bangkok Metropolitan Administration”. Mahachula Academic Journal, vol. 10, no. 1, Apr. 2023, pp. 80-96,
Research Articles


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