The development of educational innovations of the Thai Shanghai

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Pratya butsaad
Phra Sompon Yasachato


          Innovation is the introduction of new things that may be in the form of new inventions that have not been used before. Or is the development adapted from the original that already exists to be more modern and effective when using innovations, it will help to work better with higher efficiency and effectiveness. It also saves time and labor. When using innovation to develop education Therefore, it is regarded as a new type of management in educational institutions. For executives to know how to manage by themselves the innovations implemented will help education. And teaching and learning more efficient Learners can learn faster and be more effective than before. Motivated to study in the field of education reform Therefore, scholars have invented a teaching and learning process model. As well as educational management for quick learning Encourage learners to have interest and seek more knowledge effectively.

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How to Cite
butsaad, P., and P. S. Yasachato. “The Development of Educational Innovations of the Thai Shanghai:”. Mahachula Academic Journal, vol. 10, no. 1, Apr. 2023, pp. 294-11,
Academic Articles


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