The Four Noble Truths : The Unique Teaching of Buddhism

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somboon tasonthi


          Prior to discovery of the Lord Buddha, it underestimated the number of religions and cults. However, the Buddha's teachings and practices are core in two parts : (1) Kamasukkhallikanuyoga, the extreme of sensual indulgence or extreme hedonism and consist of various rituals (2) Attakilamathanuyoga, the extreme of self-mortification to achieve the end of suffering. The Lord Buddha was born to help all sentient beings free from dukkha, but he refused to accept both of two practices. There are two Buddha's practical instructions to reach the end of suffering : (1) Anupubbikathā or Anulomasaccakatha,  the Lord Buddha delivered the teaching from easy to difficult of generosity (Dāna), virtue (sīla), heaven (Sagga), sensual pleasure (Kāmānaṃ ādīnava) renunciation (Nekkhamma), like how to teach Venerable Yasa. Nevertheless, that was not the ultimate goal of Buddha’s teaching. (2) Saccā kathā or Sāmukkangsikathesānā by which arises the spotless immaculate vision of the Four Noble Truths as: as: (1) Dukkha ariya saccāni, the Buddha’s awakening from the truths of Five Aggregates of clinging are suffering (2) Samudaya ariya saccāni, the Lord Buddha’s awakening from the truths of craving for sensual pleasures (Kama Taṇhā), craving for a fixed identity (Bhava Taṇhā), craving to avoid pain(Vibhava Taṇhā), these causes of suffering. (3)Nirodha ariya saccāni, the Lord Buddha’s awakening from the state of cessation of suffering. (4)Magga ariya saccāni, the Lord Buddha’s awakening from the way to the end of suffering by Eightfold Path, and wisdom (Paññā) as a leader. Once, the Lord Buddha preached first sermon of five ascetics to cultivate mental states and to find liberation by ending of Kilesa to Nirvana, whereas the Saccā kathā does not practice in any religions. Therefore, the Four Noble Truths are the unique teaching of Buddhism.

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How to Cite
tasonthi, somboon. “The Four Noble Truths : The Unique Teaching of Buddhism”. Mahachula Academic Journal, vol. 10, no. 1, Apr. 2023, pp. 205-20,
Academic Articles


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