Establishment of Collaborative Network in Conducting the Missions Of The Provincial Administrative Organization

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decha puangngam


          The objectives of this research were (1) to analyze the factors causing various sectors to enter into a partnership collaborating in conducting the missions together with the Provincial Administrative Organization; (2) to study the process of establishing the collaborative administrative network in conducting the missions of the Provincial Administrative Organization; and 4) to suggest the guidelines for establishing the collaborative administrative network in conducting the missions of the Provincial Administrative Organization effectively. The qualitative research method was applied to the research by studying and analyzing the information from the documents and conduction in-depth interviews with key informants.

          The results revealed that the factors causing various sectors to enter into a partnership collaborating in conducting the missions together with the Provincial Administrative Organization are as follows:  (1) Having different powers, resources and potential; (2) Having a background of giving help and support to each other previously; (3) Incentives leading to collaboration; (4) Personality, competence and the determination of the collaboration coordinators; and (5) Having an open atmosphere and structure promoting collaboration. The procedures for establishing the collaborative network in conducting the missions are as follows: (1) Recognizing the importance of the problems and the needs for solving the problems in cooperation with the relevant sectors; (2) Seeking and negotiating with various sectors simultaneously; (3) Determining and assigning missions to collaborating partners to take responsibility appropriately; (4) Building mutual consent and trust; (5) Solving the problems and building mutual understanding; and (6) presenting the results of collaborative administration. The key factors resulting in the success of the collaborative administration in conducting the missions are the potential or the capacity of a person playing a key in the coordination with the Provincial Administrative Organization; and the potential or capacity of the main collaborative partnership network. To effectively establish a collaborative administrative network in conducting the missions the Provincial Administrative Organization must be aware, understand, realize the importance and promote things considered important factors making various sectors willing to enter a collaborative partnership continuously. To establish a collaborative administrative network in conducting any missions, there should be an appropriate procedure, considering the factors contributing to the success of collaborative administration as aforementioned above.

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How to Cite
puangngam, decha. “Establishment of Collaborative Network in Conducting the Missions Of The Provincial Administrative Organization”. Mahachula Academic Journal, vol. 10, no. 1, Apr. 2023, pp. 323-47,
Research Articles


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