A Study of The Factors of Alternative Schools Administration Based on Montessori Principle in Thailand
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The research aimed to determine: (1) study the factors of alternative schools administration based on Montessori principle in Thailand (2) confirm the factors of alternative schools administration based on Montessori principle in Thailand. The population of this research were 195 schools. The sample size consisted of 130 schools, which was determined by the Krejcie and Mongan’s comparison table of the Size. The were 5 respondents from each school which included (1) school director (2) deputy director, academic affairs (3) head of academic affairs and (4) teacher, with a total of 650 respondents. The instruments for collecting the data were semi-structured interview, opinionnaire and confirmative form. The statistics used in this study were frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation, exploratory factor analysis
The finding of this study were as follow: 1) The factors of alternative schools administration based on Montessori principle in Thailand consists of 6 elements: (1) The Montessori Mission (2) Policy, Resource Management, School Curriculum (3) Organizing the Learning Environment (4) A Build of morale (5) Integration, Measurement and Evaluation (6) The Arrangement of Facilities. 2) The results of confirmation of the factors of alternative schools administration based on Montessori principle in Thailand consists are accurate, appropriate, feasible and applicable.
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