Dhamma Learning through Artistry : The Case Study of Buddhachinaraj

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Phrakrusirirattananuwat Thanavaro


          The Buddhist artistry developed from 4 kinds of stūpa, i.e. stupa containing relics (Dhātu), stupa as thing used by the Buddha (Paibhogajetī), stupa containing Dhamma (Dhammajetī) and stupa dedicating the Buddha (Uddesikajetī) and developed from persons worthy of a stupa or monument in 4 kinds, i.e. the Buddha, the private Buddha, the Buddha’s follower and an emperor including the holy 4 places (Saṁvejanīyasathan), i.e. the place of Birth; the Lumpini, the place of Enlightenment; Bodhigayā, the place of the first sermon; Sāranātha and the place of passing a way; Kusinārā. These things and places are guided in settlement of 4 junction roads as origins of respected things or the holy places regarded in Buddhism. In which, this is the way doing for the dead body of the Buddha who says to the most Venerable Ananda as for ‘Ananda, a scholar should do my dead body in the same way with the emperor’s dead body and then the dead body after burning should contain it in 4 junction roads. This is important to make us find that construction and settlement as the Buddhist artistry for monument in the Triple Gem leading to faith, credit, paying respect, worship then into wisdom for the development of living quality according to Dhamma media in the Buddha’s saying that  ‘anyone sees Dhamma, that one sees me / anyone sees me, that one sees Dhamma’.  To have an art is to have property without stealing. The art is a good friend in this world and leads happiness to us in the next. Although the art for example the Buddha Image as a representative and any artist sculpts the Buddha in a various different model of face. That is not important, but depends on 3 kinds of grace of the Buddha, i.e. the wisdom’s grace, the purification’s grace and the compassion’s grace. Wherein. the Buddha is a knower, a waken One, a bloom One, Dhamma directs a way of Dhamma for the riddance of ignorance and the Saṅgha is a model of living regarded as noble refuge and freedom from rebirth being organized as the factor of knowledge for learning of Dhamma through this artistry, i.e. ‘Knowledge of Dhamma, Artistry of intellect then leading to the quality of life’.   

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How to Cite
Thanavaro, P. “Dhamma Learning through Artistry : The Case Study of Buddhachinaraj”. Mahachula Academic Journal, vol. 10, no. 1, Apr. 2023, pp. 376-9, https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMA/article/view/263000.
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