Is Thailand a religious state?

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Kanong Paliphatrangkura
Phramaha Phat Sahassukmankong


          This research aims to (1) consider whether Thailand is a religious state or not (2) evaluate the power relationship between Buddhism and the kingdom of Thailand and (3) consider whether Buddhism actually gets benefit from the kingdom or not. Documentary research method and data analysis were conducted. Thai constitutions, laws, as well as the academic writings, research papers, books, and the relevant articles were collected and analyzed. The research result shows that although Thailand cannot be categorized as a secular state, it could not also be classified as a religious state. In the kingdom of Thailand, state power does not come from Buddhism. On the contrary, Thai Buddhism has been used to establish the legitimacy to the sovereign. The sovereign and his government have exercised their power to control and dominate all religions in the state. Thailand is not, therefore, a religious state since the relationship between it and religions has been ambiguous.

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How to Cite
Paliphatrangkura, K., and P. P. . Sahassukmankong. “Is Thailand a Religious State?”. Mahachula Academic Journal, vol. 10, no. 1, Apr. 2023, pp. 1-18,
Research Articles


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