A Study of government owned airport’s service quality: The case of Hua Hin Airport.

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Parleda Sampaothong
Neeyakarn Limaroon
Kwanrat Jansirinara


The purposes of this study was to study the satisfaction level of passengers towards the service quality of Hua Hin Airport by using SERVQUAL instrument to analyse the GAP of passenger expectation and perception. The researchers aim to use the outcome of this study for further preparation for the readiness of Hua Hin Airport in the direction of service quality. This study was quantitative research with survey by distributing “Satisfaction Survey” Questionnaire to 180-sample population. The questionnaire focuses on the analysis of SERVQUAL with 5 dimensions of Tangibility, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance and Empathy. The results of study were as follows; (1) There were no significant differences between passenger expectation and perception toward Hua Hun Airport service quality. (2) Tangibility is the most sensitive factor toward passenger expectation. (3) Empathy is the number one satisfaction that passengers considered on Hua Hin Airport service quality. (4) Shopping & dinning area, Ground transportation options and Flight Information screens around terminal areas were indicated as the most urgent issues for improvement from the Gap Analysis. (5) There were some parts of SERVQUAL and Gap Analysis demonstrated that Hua Hin Airport performance obtained perception over expectation. Those areas were on some parts of Tangibility, Responsiveness, Assurance and all part of Empathy.


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