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Phrakrupalad Uthai Rattanapunyo
Linda Phattanapong
Katanyoo Reantoon


This article is a study of karma in Buddhism. Karma and results of karma according to Buddhist teachings. Which analyzes karma and the results of karma To analyze and support the process of yielding results of karma To explain both good and bad karma and the yielding of karma With the content of the interpretation And give a meaning from you who know who has been recognized in academic circles So as to be an observation principle Analyze the content And raise the historical content of the passage of clarification for readers to study that the abstract material in the story requested How does karma yield sequential results? The doctrine of karma and belief in karma in Buddhism. There are those who do evil and go on to be born in all worlds. Who do evil and go into the heavenly world, there is Those who do good have been born in the heavenly world. There were many evil deeds in the previous life. That evil deed still has its effect. Karma has a duty There is a sequence and time for the outcome of karma. The person who has done the act must go to receive the consequences of the karma, both the evil and the charity. Thus causing a new body of knowledge, namely belief in karma And the world that receives the results of karma Doing evil deeds in all worlds Do good deeds to be born in the perfect landscape.

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How to Cite
Rattanapunyo, P. U. ., Phattanapong, L. ., & Reantoon, K. (2021). KARMA IN BUDDHISM. Nakhon Lampang Buddhist College’s Journal, 10(1), 163–176. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/NBJ/article/view/251557


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