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Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
● The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
● Word File 10-15 pages.
● The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Announcement.
● If an author is found to be suspected of plagiarism in a submitted or published manuscript, the journal editorial department of ICLT may immediately cancel the publication of the article without prior notice to the author.
Author Guidelines
The Manuscript Submission Guideline for Publishing in ICTL Journal.
1. The submitted manuscript must be about International Language Teaching Chinese Journal.
2. The submitted manuscript must have never been published in any journals nor any types of publication before.
3. The author of the submitted manuscript must send the manuscript in e-file, and follow the direction below:
3.1 Type in Microsoft Word Program and the length should not exceed 15 pages (A4)
3.2 Font: Cordia New / 16 points
3.3 The page margin on four sides is 2.54 cm. or 1 inch (upper, left, right and bottom)
4. The pattern of the writing should be descriptive. If the paper derived from the research paper, the author should rewrite and present the main point of the research, not only as the summary of the research paper.
5. In terms of the review article or the book review, the author must notify the sources in detail.
6. The editorial board of ICLT Journal reserves its rights to accept the manuscript submitted under the following condition:
6.1 The author uses his/her own e-mail or phone number for submission.
6.2 The manuscript submitted is not the classroom research nor the institutional research.
6.3 The manuscript submitted follows the writing style of ICLT Journal.
6.4 The editorial board accepts for consideration the article submitted via THAIJO only. https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ictl/
6.5 Example of Article Writing Format
6.5.1 Thai Language Article Format
6.5.2 English Language Article Format 6.5.3 Chinese Language Article Format
Criteria for the Article Submission for Publishing in ICLT Journal
1. The author must pay the fees for the article publishing in ICLT Journal
2. The submitted manuscript must follow the referencing styles used in academic writing set by ICLT Journal.
3. The author of the submitted manuscript must send:
3.1 The complete filled-out article submission form
3.2 The pay-in slip
3.3 Submit the manuscript to https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/iclt/index (online).
Please note that the manuscript submitted via e-mail, or others will not be selected for publishing in ICLT Journal.
4. The process starting from retrieving the submitted manuscript to the peer review evaluation process takes about 75 days.
5. The author of the submitted manuscript will receive the letter of acceptance for publishing, when the editorial committee has received the revised paper according to the suggestions of the peer reviewers.
6. The editorial board reserves its rights to consider only the paper received under the above condition.
Publication categories
The ICLT Journal publish article in Thai, English and Chinese language by faculty members, students, or interested public are welcomed. (Research Article, Academic Article and Book Review Article).
The Submitted Research Article Should Have the Following Main Parts (Do Not Put Number 1,2,3…in the Proposed Manuscript)
1. Article Title in English
2. Name of the Author in English
3. Abstract in English (the length of abstract should not exceed one page of A4 paper size)
4. Key Words in English [3-5 words, use semicolon (;) between words]
5. Introduction (Background and Significance of the Study; Review of the Literature; Hypothesis; Objectives of the Study; Related Concepts and Theories)
6. Research Methodology (Population; Samples; Data Collection Method; and Data Analysis)
7. Results of the Research (the results can include figures or tables together with detailed explanation)
8. Conclusion (Conclusion; Discussion; Suggestion and Recommendation)
9. Reference (ICLT Journal uses the APA Referencing Style 6th Edition)
The Submitted Academic Article Should Have the Following Main Parts (Do Not Put Number 1, 2, 3...in the Proposed Manuscript)
1. Article Title in English
2. Name of the Author in English
3. Abstract in English (the length of abstract should not exceed one page of A4 paper size)
4. Key Words in English [3-5 words, use semicolon (;) between words]
5. Introduction (Background and Significance of the Article)
6. Content (the author presents the main topics related to the article)
7. Conclusion (Summary of the main issues presented in the article. The conclusion can be the question or the intention to lead the readers to search for the new response)
8. Reference (ICLT Journal uses the APA Referencing Style 6th Edition)
Footnotes are notes placed at the bottom of a page. They cite references or comment on a designated part of the text above it. The footnotes must be placed at the bottom of that page by leaving enough line space to separate the content and the footnote by drawing a line.
Copyright Notice
Every article published in the ICLT journal is the opinion and point of view of the authors. Thery're not the viewpoint of Krirk University or the editored department. Any part or all of the articles for pablication must be clearly cited.