A Study of Consumer Behavior and Marketing Mix Factors Affecting Customer Satisfaction at Berm Motorcycle Shop
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The objectives of this research are: 1) to study the demographic factors of motorcycle service consumers at Berm Motorcycle Shop in Uthai Thani Province, and 2) to examine the marketing mix factors affecting customer satisfaction in using services at Berm Motorcycle Shop in Uthai Thani province. This quantitative research employed convenience sampling. The sample consisted of 215 customers who purchased products or services from Berm Motorcycle Shop in May 2024. The data were collected using questionnaires and analyzed using descriptive statistics including mean, percentage, standard deviation, and multiple regression analysis. The results revealed that 1) the primary customer group of Berm Motorcycle Shop in Uthai Thani province were predominantly male, aged 25-39 years, with educational levels below bachelor's degree, employed in motorcycle repair shops, and with monthly incomes below 15,000 baht 2) The influence of the marketing mix on customer satisfaction at Berm Motorcycle Shops in Uthai Thani province was examined. The marketing mix elements included product, price, place, promotion, people, process, and physical evidence. The regression model explained 61% of the variance in customer satisfaction and can be expressed as follows: Y = -5.573 + (0.149)(Price) +(0.150)(Product) + (0.517)(Place) + (0.162) Promotion) + (0.469)(People) + (0.564)(Process) + (0.331)(Physical Evidence).
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