The Relationship Between Marketing Mix Factors and the Choice of Fitness Center Services in Khon Kaen Municipality

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Thanapat Daengbutda


This research paper explores "The Relationship Between Marketing Mix Factors and the Choice of Fitness Center Services in Khon Kaen Municipality." The objective of this study is to investigate the impact of the 4E marketing mix factors—Experience, Exchange, Everywhere, and Evangelism—on the decision-making process regarding fitness center services within Khon Kaen Municipality. Data was collected from a sample of 400 fitness center users in Khon Kaen Municipality through purposive sampling using a structured questionnaire. The gathered data was analyzed to determine the correlation coefficients using Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient.

The results of the study indicate that all four 4E marketing mix factors—memorable Experience, perceived value Exchange, boundaryless Everywhere access, and sustainable Evangelism—exhibit a moderate level of correlation with the decision to use fitness center services in Khon Kaen Municipality, with a correlation coefficient of 0.401. The direction of these correlations is positive, allowing for the ranking of the factors based on their average or correlation values. The findings suggest that these results can be applied to refine marketing strategies for fitness centers, thereby enhancing service usage decisions and addressing user needs more effectively. Notably, the factor of perceived value Exchange showed the highest correlation among the 4E factors.

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How to Cite
Daengbutda, T. (2025). The Relationship Between Marketing Mix Factors and the Choice of Fitness Center Services in Khon Kaen Municipality. NEU ACADEMIC AND RESEARCH JOURNAL, 15(1), 18–30. retrieved from
Research Article


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