Organizing Learning Activities to Promote Mathematical Problem Solving Ability of Grade 8 Students

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Yanin Sutchakham
Ramnaree Nontapa


The objectives of this research were to (1) develop learning activities that meet       the 70/70 efficiency criteria, (2) study the problem-solving abilities in mathematics of students after participating in these learning activities, and (3) find ways to enhance students' mathematical problem-solving skills. The sample group consisted of 42 randomly selected grade 8 students from Sarakham Pittayakhom School. The research utilized 10 learning plans, tests, and interviews. Data were analyzed using statistical methods such as percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The research results indicated that (1) The learning efficiency obtained from the learning management development was 81.60/83.81, which was higher than the set criteria. (2) The study of mathematical problem-solving ability found that there were  24 students or 57.14 percent who had high level of mathematical problem-solving ability (equation= 62.67, S.D.= 6.17), which indicated good ability at this level. However, there were 15 students or 35.71 percent who had fair level of mathematical problem-solving ability
(equation=37.87, S.D.=7.17), which indicated good ability at fair level but not to the highest level.  In addition, there were 3 students or 3.96 percent who had improved level of mathematical problem-solving ability. The average score was (equation=25.67, S.D.=0.58), which indicated ability that still needed further development to be able to solve mathematical problems better. (3) Guidelines for developing mathematical problem-solving abilities found that teachers should always develop learning management formats that integrate mathematical problem-solving abilities.

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How to Cite
Sutchakham, Y. ., & Nontapa, R. (2025). Organizing Learning Activities to Promote Mathematical Problem Solving Ability of Grade 8 Students. NEU ACADEMIC AND RESEARCH JOURNAL, 15(1), 44–57. retrieved from
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