Consumers’ Behavior of Choosing to Use the Local Coffee Shops through Social Media Networks at Muang District, Khon Kaen Province
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The purposes of the study were 1) to study consumers’ behavior of choosing to use the local coffee shops through social media networks, and 2) to compare differences of demographic characteristics on consumers’ behavior of choosing to use the local coffee shops through social media networks. This is a quantitative research. The sample groups were 250 people who were 18 years old that using social network selected by using an accidental sampling. The instrument was the questionnaire. The statistic used were frequency, mean and One Way ANOVA.
The results found that 1) consumers’ behavior of choosing to use the local coffee shops through social media networks found that “Facebook” was the popular platform for choosing the local coffee shops from 217 (86.8%), and 90 people were who using social network in uncertain time (36.0%), 194 people found the information of the local coffee shops from Facebook Fan page (77.6%), and 172 people spent time with social network for searching the local coffee shops less than 30 minutes (68.8%), 2) comparison of differences on demographic characteristics influencing behaviors of coffee consuming in the local coffee shops through social network at Muang district, Khon Kaen province shown that (1) different sexes on coffee consuming through social networks in the local coffee shops were not different, (2) different ages on coffee consuming through social networks in the local coffee shops were different in surfing Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube for selecting the local coffee shops, (3)different statuses on coffee consuming through social networks in the local coffee shops were different in surfing Facebook for selecting the local coffee shops and searching the details of coffee shops from Google and Wongnai, (4) different degrees on coffee consuming through social networks in the local coffee shops were not different, (5) different occupation on coffee consuming through social networks in the local coffee shops were different in surfing Facebook and Instagram for selecting the local coffee shops, (6) different income on coffee consuming through social networks in the local coffee shops were different in surfing Instagram for selecting the local coffee shops and searching the details of coffee shops from Facebook and Fanpage. (p>0.05).
Keywords: Behavior of Choosing, Social Media Network, Local Coffee Shop
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