Management of Public Health System for Prisoners in Bangkok Prisons

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Weerachai Sukphuang
Navapat Narongsak
Aranee Vivatthanaporn


The objectives of the research study on Management of the health system for prisoners in Bangkok’s prisons were to study the problem and obstacles to accessing public health services for prisoner in Bangkok’s prisons, to analyze and compare the Nelson Mandela Rules regarding the treatment of prisons with appropriate prison management principles in Bangkok’s prisoner, and to study policy recommendation for improving the public health service system for prison in Bangkok’s prison. This research is a qualitative study that includes document analysis and in-depth interviews. The research results revealed on Management of the health system for prisoners in Bangkok’s prisons, found that 1) Problems and obstacles to accessing public health services for prisoners in Bangkok’s prisons comprise six issues including:               (1) shortage of medical personnel, (2) lack of knowledge among staff regarding basic medical practices, (3) other factors affecting access to health services, (4) insufficient budget, (5) lack of medical equipment, drug and medical supplies, (6) attitudes, the environment and routines in prisons. 2) The comparative analysis of Nelson Mandela Rules for the treatment of prisoners along with the principles of proper prison administration in prisons has two issues:                     (1) the standard of Nelson Mandela Rules during prison administration, and (2) the standard of Nelson Mandela Rules regarding hygiene standards in prisons. Additionally, the policy recommendations concerning the development and management of the health service system for prisoners in prisons include five issues: (1) increasing medical personnel, (2) increasing the quantity of medicine, medical supplies, and medical equipment, (3) developing the knowledge of hospital staff, (4) improving access to the public health service system, and (5) increasing the budget.

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How to Cite
Sukphuang, W. ., Narongsak, N. ., & Vivatthanaporn, A. . (2025). Management of Public Health System for Prisoners in Bangkok Prisons. NEU ACADEMIC AND RESEARCH JOURNAL, 15(1), 31–43. retrieved from
Research Article


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