Production Management Affecting the Cost of Growing Pink Sticky Corn of Nong Bua Corn Growers Community Enterprise Group, Ban Fang District, Khon Kaen Province

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Maneechan Yuenkong
Neeranat Senachan
Patharaphorn Kiniphan


This research aimed to study the production management factors affecting the cost of growing pink sticky corn in the Nong Bua corn growing community enterprise group,       Ban Fang District, Khon Kaen Province. The sample group used in the research consisted of 109 farmers in Nong Bua Village. The sample size was determined using Taro Yamane's formula at reliability level of 95% . The sample was collected using a simple random sampling method. The statistics used for data analysis comprised mean, standard deviation, and multiple regression analysis. The results of the research were found that the factors of seed, weed control, pest management, and fertilizer usage explained the variance or predicted the dependent variable, the cost of growing pink sticky corn, by 59.1 percent, with a statistical significance level of .05. The factors of seed, weed control, and pest management had a positive effect, while the factor of fertilizer usage had a negative effect. The factor of pest management had the highest effect on the cost of growing pink sticky corn, followed by fertilizer usage, weed control and seeds, respectively.

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How to Cite
Yuenkong, M., Senachan, N. ., & Kiniphan, P. (2025). Production Management Affecting the Cost of Growing Pink Sticky Corn of Nong Bua Corn Growers Community Enterprise Group, Ban Fang District, Khon Kaen Province. NEU ACADEMIC AND RESEARCH JOURNAL, 15(1), 160–168. retrieved from
Research Article


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