The Push-Pull Motivation Factors of Generation Y Tourists and their Travel Intentions towards Thainess Tourism

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Sasithorn Phonkaew
Chompunuch Jittithavorn
Warach Madhyamapurush
Xiubai Li
Timothy Lee


This study explores the push-pull motivation factors of Generation Y tourists and their travel intentions towards Thainess tourism based on quantitative research. The close-ended questionnaire survey was used to collect data from 400 Thai Gen Y tourists and 343 valid responses were received to test the proposed model. Data was analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling approach. The CFA results present an acceptable fit (x2= 790.388; df. = 397; RMSEA = 0.054; CFI = 0.928; TLI = 0.921; SRMR = 0.076) The results reveal that the knowledge and social relations are push motivations, and the atmosphere is a pull motivation and that they all significantly affect the Thai Gen Y’s satisfaction with travel in Thailand, with the atmosphere of a destination having the highest effect. This finding suggests that when Thai Gen Y tourists feel satisfied with their travel in Thailand, they are interested to specifically try the traveling for Thainess tourism program. The results of this research will guide tourism planners and lead to a better understanding of Thai Gen Y travelers’ motivations, satisfaction, and travel intentions.

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Author Biographies

Sasithorn Phonkaew, Martin de Tours School of Management and Economics, Assumption University

Dr.Sasithorn Phonkaew

Martin de Tours School of Management and Economics,

Assumption University, Thailand


Chompunuch Jittithavorn, College of Management, University of Phayao

Dr.Chompunuch Jittithavorn*  (Corresponding author)

College of Management,

University of Phayao, Thailand


Warach Madhyamapurush, School of Management and Information Sciences, University of Phayao

Dr.Warach Madhyamapurush

School of Management and Information Sciences,

University of Phayao, Thailand


Xiubai Li, School of History, Culture and Tourism, Guangxi Normal University

Assistant Professor Xiubai Li

School of History, Culture and Tourism,

Guangxi Normal University


Timothy Lee, Faculty of Hospitality and Tourism Management, Macau University of Science and Technology (MUST)

Professor Dr.Timothy Lee

Faculty of Hospitality and Tourism Management,

Macau University of Science and Technology (MUST)



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