Needs Assessment for Developing Teacher Instructional Abilities and an e-Coaching System of Thai Teachers Under the Office of the Private Education Commission

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Waralee Chimthongdee
Prakob Koraneekij
Jaitip Na-songkhla


This research study aimed to study the needs for teacher instructional ability development, to study the needs for an e-coaching system to enhance teacher instructional abilities, and to explore teachers' preferences for e-coaching system features. The target population was teachers under the Office of the Private Education Commission, with a sample size of 412 selected using a multistage random sampling technique. The data collection involved administering a survey questionnaire to gather respondents’ demographic information, the needs for teacher instructional ability development, the needs for an e-coaching system's development, and respondents’ preferences for the system's features. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics (frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation) and the modified Priority Need Index (PNI modified).

The research findings revealed significant needs for both teacher instructional ability development and an e-coaching system. Furthermore, the study identified several key areas in which teachers expressed a pressing need for development, including the ability to design instruction for 21st-century learning (PNIModified = 0.17), the highest-rated need. Other prominent needs included the ability to perform authentic and systematic assessments (PNIModified = 0.13) and the ability to integrate ICT into instruction (PNIModified = 0.11). Regarding the need for an e-coaching system, the most pressing requirement was technology for progress tracking and assessment (PNIModified = 0.16). Among the preferred features of the e-coaching system, the teacher resource library within the system was deemed the most crucial (M = 4.17).

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How to Cite
Chimthongdee, W., Koraneekij, P., & Na-songkhla, J. (2023). Needs Assessment for Developing Teacher Instructional Abilities and an e-Coaching System of Thai Teachers Under the Office of the Private Education Commission. Journal of Information and Learning [JIL], 34(3), 1–10.


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