Utilizing the Zoom Application for Online University Admissions Interviews

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Tippawan Pinthongpan


The study examines the implementation of the Zoom application in the university’s online admission interviewing process, utilizing the principles of the ADDIE model. Additionally, the study investigates the level of satisfaction among candidates with regards to the online interview. The data for this research was collected from 254 interview candidates through the implementation of the ADDIE model and the administration of surveys, aiming to explore both the process itself and the candidates’ overall satisfaction. The results revealed that the university faculty team has conducted the online admission interviews in accordance with the ADDIE model. Furthermore, the findings demonstrated a substantial level of satisfaction among candidates in relation to the three key aspects: the utilization of Zoom application for conducting interviews (M = 4.56), the faculty’s readiness in executing online interviews (M = 4.72), and the effectiveness of the online interviews (M = 4.69).

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How to Cite
Pinthongpan, T. (2023). Utilizing the Zoom Application for Online University Admissions Interviews. Journal of Information and Learning [JIL], 34(2), 122–132. https://doi.org/10.14456/jil.2023.25
Research Article


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