Academic Leadership and Buddhism Method for Educational Management

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Kanchit Chaiyagit
La-Eard Jongolnee
Chulapunporn Thanaphaet


          Academic Leadership of school administrators directly plays an important role in learning and teaching management. It is a condition of factors to enhance the school performance as expected to the success (Larson, 2006), which is directly related to student’s learning and academic achievement (Hopkins, 2001). Also, it is found that the components of the academic leadership of the school administrators have relationship and become an indicator of the school effectiveness (Buzzi, 1991). It is necessary to apply the Buddhism doctrine related to the ethical characteristics of leadership on self, human and job development, especially the relationship between leadership and followership with Buddhist principles for organizational change. This shows that, to change the organization, there needs to be connection between education and social environment. Moreover, there needs to be able to analyze problems and trends of education in Thailand obviously, as well as, being leadership on education reform, academic matter, and administration. In addition, there has to be a specialist in a certain area, be knowledgeable of administration principles, techniques and, strategic planning, including being able to apply the principles to enable the educational administration to achieve its goal with the highest efficiency and effectiveness. Along with the school administrators needs the ability to use their own knowledge and arts, nationalist, human relations, and technical skills, also, the ability to manage human resources, budget, materials, places and buildings. Besides that, the school administrators need to be able to mobilize educational resources both in the schools and communities in order to develop the administration in various fields within the educational institutions for excellent achievement.

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How to Cite
Chaiyagit, K., Jongolnee, L.-E., & Thanaphaet, C. (2020). Academic Leadership and Buddhism Method for Educational Management. NEU ACADEMIC AND RESEARCH JOURNAL, 10(2), 165–175. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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