Needs for the Management of Early Childhood Development Center of Child Development Center under the Local Administrative Organization, Phu Wiang District, Khon Kaen Province

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Nipaporn Thinchuay
Wichian Rooyuenyong


          The purposes of this research were 1) to study the needs and 2) to recommend the management of early childhood development center of child development center under the Local Administrative Organization, Phu Wiang district, Khon Kaen province. The sample group used in with the total number of 202 people. The sample size was determined with Taro Yamane formula at the sampling error at 0.05 level using stratified random sampling method. The tools used for data collection were 5-level rating scale questionnaire and open-ended questions with 5 recommendations. The statistics used to analyze data comprised frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and PNI modified index.

          The research results were found that:

        1. Needs for the management of early childhood development center of child development center under the Local Administrative Organization, Phu Wiang district, Khon Kaen province, ranked from the most to the least needs were as follows: 1) Systematic management, 2) Personnel management, 3) Health and learning management, 4) Promotion of family and community participation, 5) Environmental management for safety.

          2. Recommendations for the management of early childhood development center of child development center under the Local Administrative Organization, Phu Wiang district, Khon Kaen province as follows: 1) Systematic management, 2) Personnel management, 3) Health and learning management, 4) Promotion of family and community participation, 5) Environmental management for safety.

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How to Cite
Thinchuay, N., & Rooyuenyong, W. (2021). Needs for the Management of Early Childhood Development Center of Child Development Center under the Local Administrative Organization, Phu Wiang District, Khon Kaen Province. NEU ACADEMIC AND RESEARCH JOURNAL, 11(3), 201–214. Retrieved from
Research Article


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