A Study of Black Spots: A Case Study of Sri-Chan Road in Khon Kaen Municipality, THAILAND

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Jetsada Kumphong
Theenida Buntornwon


The purposes of this study were 1) to investigate the issues of road accidents, risk spots, and black spots of Sri-Chan Road in Khon Kaen Municipality, Khon Kaen Province, Thailand, and 2) to propose guidance for improving physical road characteristics for road safety at a preliminary level of Sri-Chan Road in Khon Kaen Municipality, Khon Kaen Province, Thailand. The information on the accident on Sri-Chan Road was obtained from Khon Kaen Hospital, and the information related to road accidents was attained from the workshop conducted with Sri-Chan Road community leaders. The accident information was analyzed based on the accident frequency method, using descriptive statistics. The findings of the study revealed that the most dangerous intersection was at Mittraphap Road intersects Sri-Chan Road. The most dangerous road section on Sri-Chan Road was between Anamai Road and Chataphadung Road. The data from community leaders underlined that the most hazardous spot for road accidents was at the intersection of Khon Kaen Public Health Office. The most frequently found problem was included the lack of maintenance and the lack of road markings. Based on most of the problems encountered, it was suggested to improve road markings and road safety equipment following the principles of engineering safety. Furthermore, the cost-effectiveness analysis revealed that the measure in solving the black spots on Sri-Chan Road would be worth the investment.

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How to Cite
Kumphong, J., & Buntornwon, T. (2021). A Study of Black Spots: A Case Study of Sri-Chan Road in Khon Kaen Municipality, THAILAND. NEU ACADEMIC AND RESEARCH JOURNAL, 11(3), 332–346. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/neuarj/article/view/254887
Research Article


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