Factors Affecting the Satisfaction and Engagement of Support Staffs in Private Higher Education Institutions, Case Study of Northeastern University

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Phetcharad Luesanthia
Weerawit Lertratthamrongkul
Kowit Saenpong
Wiyada Phanno


The objectives of this research were to (1) study the level of job satisfaction and engagement with the organization, (2) analyze the factors that affect satisfaction and engagement, (3) study the relationship between job satisfaction and (4) develop policy recommendations for support personnel in the Northeastern University. Using an integrated research methodology, the data was collected from 80 support personnel with questionnaires and qualitative data through in-depth interviews and group discussions. This research employs descriptive statistics, multiple regression analysis, correlation analysis, variance analysis and content analysis. The results showed that employees had a high level of job satisfaction and engagement with the organization (M = 3.87, S.D. = 0.71 and M = 4.08, S.D. = 0.52, respectively). The most influential factor in job satisfaction was job flexibility (β = 0.40, p(0.011) < 0.05), while the most influential factor in organizational engagement was organizational sense of value (β = 0.50, p(0.001) < 0.05). The variance analysis showed that the group with 5 years or more of work experience had significantly higher performance than the less experienced group at 0.05 at the level of 0.05, and the results led to policy recommendations on the development of university human resources. It focuses on promoting flexibility in work, developing relationships between superiors and subordinates and creating a sense of value among personnel in the organization to enhance satisfaction. This is especially true for those with high work experience.

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How to Cite
Luesanthia, P. ., Lertratthamrongkul, W. ., Saenpong, K. ., & Phanno, W. (2025). Factors Affecting the Satisfaction and Engagement of Support Staffs in Private Higher Education Institutions, Case Study of Northeastern University. NEU ACADEMIC AND RESEARCH JOURNAL, 15(1), 131–145. retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/neuarj/article/view/275065
Research Article


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