Development of Correctional Officers via Digital Learning Model with P2L2F

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Nipaporn Sonsud
Supanee Sengsri
Onjaree Na Takuatoong
Direk Teeraputorn


Correctional work is a special type of work that requires 24 hours of continuous operation and immediate action. This causes correctional officers to be unable to use electronic devices or the Internet while on duty in prisons. This results in difficulties of traditional personnel development and lack of opportunities for continuous self-improvement. This academic paper aims to present a concept of correctional officer development towards digital learning and elements of the environments for personnel development towards digital learning. Based on previous research on digital learning, this learning method has been adopted in all types of learning and training managements. Learners can access learning anywhere, anytime, or on any devices. Therefore, the concept of personnel development towards digital learning is a new approach to personnel development, which can reduce time constraints and limitations on use of electronic devices in prisons. This leads to using digital technology as a tool in managing a digital learning format and a digital learning environment for correctional officer development. There are five components of the digital learning model based on the P2L2F principle: 1) P: Personalised education, 2) L: Learning organization, 3) L: Learning management system (LMS), 4) F: Flexible education, and 5) F: Freely available applications.

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How to Cite
Sonsud, N., Sengsri, S., Na Takuatoong, O., & Teeraputorn, D. (2022). Development of Correctional Officers via Digital Learning Model with P2L2F. Journal of Information and Learning [JIL], 33(3), 119–127.
Review Article


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